Thursday, August 15, 2013

Latest Project "The CAV Rides Again" will be unveiled at the 2013 Cavalry Squadron Ball, next Friday!

Earlier this year I set out to visit my former NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer) MSG Sulit, that's Master Sergeant for you non-militarily versed folks, at Fort Carson Colorado.  We served together in Germany and Kosovo from 1999 to 2002. 
Those 3 years being an active duty Recon Scout for the US Army were very transformational.  I served with some amazing men, many of whom stayed in and went on to various bases of operations all around the world, obviously including Iraq and Afghanistan.  More than 10 year later, I reconnected with MSG Sulit and proposed a project idea that I had been wanting to do for some time.  He simply said, "Whatever I can do, I will."  With that, I was soon on a plane and bound for Fort Carson's massive training area in Rockies.  I spent 3 weeks with the soldiers of the 1/10 Cavalry.  I shot over 10,000 images and videos, all while eating, sleeping, and participating in the many field training exercises that make our military the mightiest in the world. 
As I prepare for the return trip to Colorado Springs, the excitement is building.  I cannot wait to show the Troopers what I have created.  They were very welcoming to one of their own and I appreciate every soldiers' help and willingness to be a part of the project.

Special thanks to:
MSG Sulit
LTC Guthrie
MAJ Barbour
CSM Vogl

The man who helped me get this all together.  MSG Sulit, soon to be Mr. Luis Sulit, thank you for all your years of service! 

 "If you ain't CAV!"

Keep a look out for the full project's release, coming very soon!
